January 05, 2005

death by a million syllabuses syllabi

first day of classes... i forgot how boring school is

today we learned that five classes times one syllabus per class times one lengthy explanation of a syllabus per syllabus equals THANATOS. also first classes always get out after like 25 minutes, which would be nice except that i have classes all bunched together so i keep having half an hour to wander around school thinking of ways to commit suicide.

it's great to be back. oh how i missed redeemer... kimber and i heaved great sighs of joy when we saw the multitude of no parking signs that constitute the driveway into school... it's the little things in life....

also... they're building something... possibly a library... but from the perspective of this student huddled in the computer lab it sounds like an invasion of giant alien insects... i'm a little worried, i won't lie to you

Posted by Tim at January 5, 2005 02:30 PM | TrackBack

timmy, timmy. you're frequent updates make me happy. isn't it just splendid to be back at redeemer. i know you've missed those no parking signs just like the rest of us.

Posted by: Jo at January 5, 2005 09:33 PM
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