August 15, 2003

Ignore that neutrality thing

I've decided to declare for Instapundit. It pains me to do this knowing I'll have to fight against my beloved blogsister Susie but I must do what I think is right.

Plus that means I can say things like this (I posted it in the comments at Samizdata):

All hail, all hail, the Instapundit! He sitteth on his dark throne; though foes do cry, he conquereth them with a single server-killing link! His minions report to him from near and far; he gets in every newspaper story about "web logs".

Let a thousand puppies blend.


Posted by Tim at August 15, 2003 08:00 AM | TrackBack

Gosh, Tim, I don't think you've gotten all the nuánces here...Jen is against Frank, not necessarily for the Puppyblender....

Oh, evil Blog War, that pits sibling against sibling!

Posted by: Susie at August 15, 2003 09:51 AM

Susie, that's nuánces.

By the way, Tim, I noticed your comment on Samizdata :)

Let a thousand puppies blend!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at August 16, 2003 10:04 AM

Blogger against blogger.

I warned about this!

All I can say is, "Tut tut!"

And, of course,


Posted by: Eric Scheie at August 21, 2003 01:55 AM

No cause is so right that one cannot find a fool following it.

Posted by: Chaplin Geoff at January 21, 2004 08:08 PM


Posted by: ypdttur at July 1, 2005 07:32 AM
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