OK well let's do the important news first. In the Frnak. J - Instapundit War I am officially staying neutral. I'm kind of like Switzerland. I have slight Instaleanings because I a) think Frnak is dangerous, b) think Glenn Reynolds is going to win (look at the stats so far, he's co-opted or immobilized every attack Frnak's made so far and still manages to post eighteen thousand times per seconnd) and most importantly, c) I don't like puppies anyway (except for Rachel Lucas, I'm not getting between her and Sunny or Digger. But I'm going to stay out of that fight.
The Alliance/Frnak war is a different story. I've declared for the (what exactly are we calling ourselves again?) Axis of EvilNaughty and will gladly fight along side such luminaries as Susie, our Official Pinger; Jennifer, our noble leader; Ted. I elected to be Minister of Simian Affairs but Jennifer didn't think that would be a good idea. So I'm vice-(dis)Information Minister or something. I've also appointed myself Axis Ambassador to Canada (like the war will last long enough for me to get there (16 days, woo woo!)) but that's kind of a do-nothing job since Canada is basically America-lite with a bigger Louisiana and fewer Mexicans. (You could call it France-lite with a large Anglo contigent, or British-lite as well). But basically the country is 'profoundly unserious' (I don't remember who said that, but it's a lovely phrase).
Oh and I had that lovely image off the Axis of Evil Naughty site appended to my sidebar for about two seconds. Then I tried to make it bigger in the template (my original code was the flag on Bill the Bloviator's site) which is kind of small; even though all I changed was the height and width dimensions it now doesn't work and just shows the link. Arrgh. Could someone (a href="http://ambientirony.com/">Pixy Misa? give a little help here? We need an Imperial (Axial?) Minister of Coding and General Tech Support so we know what we're doing.
Official IT Help comes from Kevin at Wizbang, but since this is a Pixysite, you might be better off getting him to help you. Either way. :-) Excellent work in Monkey-Boy's comments, btw.
Posted by: Jennifer at August 15, 2003 08:41 AMI am torn! torn, I say! What if our B.B.M.M. officially declares for the PuppyBlender?
Oh Brave New World, that has such dilemmas in it!
Posted by: Susie at August 15, 2003 09:54 AMSusie: Oops!
Tim: I'll take a look when I get home tonight.
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