August 30, 2003

We're the problem, why can't we deal with it?

One of the favorite scapegoats for conservatives is the Evil Liberal Media. It is our symbol of All That Is Wrong with this nation. And admittedly, it gets a lot wrong. Coverage is, well, attention-deficitish. Fluffy.

But that's because the media have to make money. They have to put out product that sells. Rachel Lucas says this better than I do, by the way, and I'm mostly repeating her ideas here, though I'd like to post more about this sometime.

The issue is the American people. We who believe it's a civic duty to stay informed need to pass these values on to our children and whoever else we can influence. The future of the Republic depends on a well-educated citizenry.

Posted by Tim at August 30, 2003 03:13 AM

Maybe we should, I don't know, create an alternative source of information. Maybe on that internet thingy?

Nah, on second thoughts, it'll never work.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at August 30, 2003 04:39 AM

Good point about keeping informed is a civic duty. I think that today is about the status quo in that regards. You have a majority of people who are just willing to get along and go along, and a minority who are informed and try to influence the rest. Thinking for oneself is hard.

Posted by: Ted at August 30, 2003 10:59 AM
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