Hello to all those who read Tym's webpage thing. This is his slightly insane friend, Mary. I am presently residing in Denver, Colorado, but I'm a Michigander at heart. I met Tim in high school--enough said.
Let me explain the slightly insane bit: I am a Biblical Studies major, drowning myself in homework and paying an exorbitant fee for the privilege. As I swim in an increasing pool of books to read and papers to write, I've found that the one thing that keeps me afloat is my Greek class. (I warned you about the insanity!) I just finished translating the New Testament book of I John--what a rush! And so I counsel you all, whoever you may be, take Greek. That is, take Greek if you are an insane Bib Studies major! I take my leave.
Heh heh. You are insane. I have weird friends.
By the way, Wraj and I decided he was going to take Hebrew this summer and fall, and I'll take Greek, and we'll both work at the outlet store and teach the other the language we're learning.
Posted by: Tim at February 19, 2004 12:27 PMhave you applied???
Augh! Wait a minute! You, Wraj, and I all working at the same place... heaven help the customers!
Nope. But I think I'd do it at RBC, not Calvin, so I don't feel pressured to, er, apply early. :)
Posted by: Tim at February 20, 2004 01:29 AMI meant at the outlet...
Posted by: mary at February 20, 2004 01:31 AMSorry for my links
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