November 03, 2003

Why am I so addicted to blogs?

I overslept this morning. Actually, I forgot to turn my alarm on last night. Thus I woke up at 9:30, having missed my 8:00 and most of my 9:00 class. I fully intended to get up, get around, go to school and do important things like pay my bill and check my mail. First, I decided to check my email. Big mistake.

It is now 11:43. I may or may not have been sitting on my bed for 2 hours reading blogs. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but the last time I checked all the blogs I read was this morning at 2 am before I went to sleep. Did anything actually happen in the 7 hours I was gone? No. Did I have a pathological need to check? I think you can infer that.

Grr. I'm going to school now. Real Life calls.

Posted by Tim at November 3, 2003 11:49 AM | TrackBack
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