August 22, 2003

Where are the jackboots when you need them?

Via The Corner, this link to the website of the Earth Liberation Front, a domestic eco-terrorist organization. On the front page are news articles about ELF 'actions' against homes under construction in (I assume) formerly undeveloped land or against SUVs. On the sidebar is a link to a .pdf document entitled "Setting Fires With Electrical Timers - An Earth Liberation Front Guide"; it's blurbed "The politics and practicalities of arson. Down-to-earth advice and comprehensive how-to's about devices, fuel requirements, timers, security and more."

This website makes me angry, annoyed and prideful. Angry, because these people are terrorists -- not nearly as bad as Bin Laden & Co. or Hamas, but terrorists nonetheless. Annoyed, because the gummint is probably too busy frisking six-year-olds in airports to keep an eye on these terrorists. Proud, because I live in a country where thinking and speaking are not crimes, where even the most vile are free to spew their vomit.

I hope the FBI is watching these goons very carefully, though. Maybe if the Feds stopped worrying about education, art and housing projects, they'd be able to protect us better -- you know, fulfill their actual constitutional mandate. What can I say, I'm an idealist.

Posted by Tim at August 22, 2003 10:50 PM


Posted by: Susie at August 25, 2003 02:17 AM diamond engagement rings diamond engagement rings

Posted by: engagement rings at August 26, 2005 09:48 PM
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